
After breakfast it was dressing up time! We had all bought clothes from charity shops and Amazon in the styles of the 20's to the 60's and the ladies really pulled the stops out, they looked fantastic! 

Andy did his bit and went for the fly boy spiv look which seemed to work quite well. So off we all went to the main arena to get our spot for the day's entertainment.

We stayed in the main arena for a few hours and watched 'Zoot serious and the belly full of bop' and 'King pleasure and the biscuit boys'

Andy decided to go exploring. There were other venues or 'stages' where other bands would be performing throughout the weekend and there were lots of stalls selling clothing and memorabilia from the 20's to the 60's. At the far end was the control tower where Glenn Miller boarded the plane, a UC 64 Norseman which was to take him to Paris but, alas disappeared without trace.

Sue loves to dance and no one is safe. Here is a short video of her letting her hair down.